Gifts - For You

For the baptism, until they are 18 or 21 and for every birthday and Christmas in-between, we can suggest a range of ideas / gifts for your Godchild.

As well as gifts for your godchild, there are one or two products out there which may be of interest to you as a godparent, from books which help explain your role to those which give you ideas and activities you can enjoy with your godchild.


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A guide to being a godparent. It covers the history of godparenting, and the opportunities and responsibilities that the role presents. It also offers ideas for making the most of being a godparent and staying in touch with your godchild.
Bairbre Cahill, a specialist in family spirituality, helps those who have been asked to be a Godparent understand the importance of the role, and the very special invitation this is to make a difference to a child's life. Bursting with practical information, spiritual insight, and personal stories, this is a book to which Godparents can return again and again during their life as a faith companion. Strikingly illustrated and popularly written.
Year after year hundreds of thousands of responsible adults get asked to become godparents and accept without quite knowing what exactly is expected of them and how they might best try and fulfill the role. Someone to watch over me sets out to explain where the tradition of godparents comes from, what is involved in being a godparent, how parents should choose godparents for their children and provide ideas and resources for how godparents can perform the role better.

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A guide for Godparents, especially those who live far away from their Godchildren. This pamphlet discusses the challenges and responsibilities of being Godparents and the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with one's Godchildren. It also offers creative ways to actively set an example while helping them grow in their faith.
Packed with games, projects, crafts, experiments and gardening inspiration, 101 Things for Kids to do Outside will have your children racing out to try something new. The huge selection of ideas covers all four seasons and ranges from quick 10-minute activities to a full day of fun. From party games and treasure hunts to simple gardening projects, each idea is simple to follow and illustrated with colour photography, so you can't go wrong!
This book is about looking at natural materials in a new light and discovering how they can be used creatively. It shows children from eight upwards, including teenagers - and their parents - how to make anything from a cricket bat to an ice lantern, and enjoy expeditions, games and parties outdoors - all with the emphasis firmly on fun.

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The duties of a godparent don't have to - and shouldn't - end on a godchild's baptism day. Perhaps there is no greater gift we can give our godchild than the gift of our ongoing prayers. As godparents we can help the life of grace flourish within their souls in praying fervently for them, aiding God in transforming them into the persons He desires them to be. Allow this simple prayer guide and journal to give you the motivation and tools you need to make praying for your godchild a priority this year—and always.

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I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.
Hannah - 1 Samuel 1:27